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Master Buiilder // Cosgear




In the short version of this post I am going to show you how to 3d-print the tail-tips that we have available for free download here on our website. We are going to make more tail tips you can download in the future. This model is shaped like a heart.

What you need

  • 1x STL-file of the tail tip of your choosing, linked on the right
  • 1x 3D-printer. If you don’t have a 3d-printer check out this website to see where you can find one close to you.
  • 1x computer and slicer software. This is the software that turns the digital 3D-file into code that the 3D-printer understands. At Cosgear we use Prusa Slicer together with our Prusa printer, but there are numerous other options.
  • Experience with slicing and 3D-printing STL-files

Free Tail Tips


1.Download STL file from Thingiverse

2. Import STL file into your preferred slicer software. We use the Prusa slicer.

3. Use the following settings:

    1. Nozzle diameter: 0,4 mm
    2. Layer height: 0,15 mm
    3. Vertical Perimeters: 2 outer perimeters
    4. Infill: None
    5. Supports: Custom square support enforcers
    6. Brim: 10 mm
    7. Material: PLA, PET(G) or your preferred filament.

4. Export the sliced file and print it on your 3d-printer of choice.

Do you need a moving tail for your K/DA Ahri cosplay? The Costail is the most versatile cosplay tail on the market, and moves automatically with your body!

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